I am only a small designer and I do not have any official certifications in regards to my environmental impact, however I make every effort to be as environmentally friendly as I can with my material choices when it comes to making my products. I'm by no means perfect, or carbon neutral, but I'm doing my best!
Waste paper and cardboard from my studio is either composted, or put into my council's recycing bins. I have worked hard to replace as much plastic from my packaging as possible. Currently the only plastic packaging I have are the stoppers on the cylinders with which I send my printed posters, the padding which comes with my Linear B jewellery packaging and the strips that are used to open carboard mailers. I seal my packages with paper tape. Occasionally the post office will add a plastic sleeve if extra documents need to be attached to your package.
I reuse as much packaging as I can, and try to buy recycled packaging products when new is needed.
I empty my inbox at the end of every month to save the energy required to store them on external servers.
PAPERGOODS (giftcards, postcards, colour in posters, mobiles and garlands): the majority of my giftcards are made with paper from the Fedrigoni Woodstock range, which is made from 80% recycled sources, and 20% from EFC virgin fibres, FSC certified. my kraft paper cards are also a recycled paper. envelopes come from 100% recycled paper. gift cards come with a translucent paper wrap, which is NOT a recycled paper, however this was chosen to replace a cellophane bag.
My coloured postcards are printed on Fedrigoni's freelife range, which is 40% recycled fibre, 55% managed sources and 5% cotton.
Maps are also printed on paper from Fedrigoni's range that are 40% recycled fibre, 55% managed sources and 5% cotton.
My mobiles and garlands also come in a translucent paper envelope. This envelope is not recycled paper, but was chosen to replace a cellophane sleeve. The envelope is sealed with paper washi tape.
SCREENPRINTED POSTERS: my screenprinted posters are NOT printed on a recycled paper, as I choose an artist quality paper for my limited edition prints.
TEA TOWELS: my tea towels are made from organic cotton, and the screenprinters I work with (one based in the UK, one based in Greece) use waterbased inks.
T-SHIRTS: most of my t-shirts come from the Earth Positive range by Continental clothing. They are made from organic cotton in India, and the group is part of the Fair Wear Foundation. EarthPositive® is made in manufacturing facilities powered by green renewable energy, from low-impact raw materials. The carbon footprint of EarthPositive® products has been reduced by some 90% and the calculations were certified under the PAS2050 standard by the Carbon Trust in the UK between 2007-2009.
A few of my t-shirts come from Earth Positive's salvage range, and are made with a blend of recycled cotton and recycled acrylic. The make up of the fabric is stated in my webshop listings.
The rest of my t-shirts come from the Stanley and Stella range, and these are also made from organic cotton, and Stanley and Stella are also part of the Fair Wear Foundation. My t-shirts are printed either here in Greece or in the UK by professional screenprinters (or occasionally myself) using waterbased inks.
Please message me if you wish to know which of these brands made the specific t-shirt you are interested in.
Apart from what relates specifically to my work, I also work on reducing my carbon footprint in my own daily life. visit my environmental illustration portfolio for some examples of ways I work to reduce my footprint at home.